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In Defense of Rots
A story from Unsigned; Provided by Mathcat

~~ Unsigned, but written by (presumably) Ekaira, judging by the handwriting.~

In Defense of Rots

Rots are probably one of the more maligned creatures at the castle, and yet there's no particularly compelling reason for this. Yes, it's annoying to watch, say, a seraphim amphitere egg grow pustules as it lands in the Lost Field, but the cure for that is not to send the eggs there in the first place. At least rot eggs don’t turn on their way out of the Field, unlike possession eggs.

Overall, rots are one of the least demanding creatures to raise. They eat nothing and ask for little besides shelter and a little sympathy. They don't bite, scratch, eat your corn plants, scream until your eardrums bleed, levitate your belongings, or pick fights with your other creatures. Some may even try to cuddle with you, content to be in your presence. While not quick studies, they can even learn a few tricks. They might not have strong personalities, but neither do toads, turtles, or the average amorphous.

Yes, they look bad. They smell bad. There's no getting around that. So do amorphouses, and it's hard to take three steps without tripping over one. Rots won't eat your belongings and they won't try to possess you or your creatures, unlike certain other creatures I could name. Given the chance, they can be sweet, enthusiastic, gentle, and even loving.

Furthermore, rots should be admired for their persistence. Despite their physical weakness, they survive. They endure. They can even thrive. Yes, they're not the most pleasant-looking creature around, but one of these years, they may be all that's left.