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Leaf Clan
A story from The Book of All; Provided by Ezriaphiel


Stone:   Emerald
Counter Stone:   Jade
Patron Animals:   Beasts of Hoof and Antler, Creatures of Tree
Strongly Tied Creatures:   Plant Life, Vegetable Dragons, Kirins and Quilins, Cocowyrms
Secondary Powers:  Growth, Creativity, Medicine, Community and Resourcefulness
The Leaf Clan

Leaf clan is the fifth clan that was founded, whose totem god is Jessa Jasini. They draw their power from plant life, and mages of this variety typically spend their time studying the uses of magic for healing and improving daily life, and using their skills to apply practical daily uses to the lessons that they learn in the castle.
Magic and Elemental Affinity
Magic use in the Leaf clan is usually person-directed and driven. Leaf mages are typically seen as healers and helpers, lending their skills to better research herbs, construction, and finding solutions to daily problems in a creative and new manner. As such, Leaf mages are often known to be the best people to go to when you have a problem that you can't solve on your own; although you'll get recommended different house plants you should obtain once they've found the solution. Additionally, Leaf mages work surprisingly well with Water mages, where they are able to complement their physical solutions with magical ones.
Ties to Other Clans
No ties are known between Jessa and the other gods; however Leaf mages do hold a strong distaste for the Fire clan and a decades-long war sprung out between them in the year 217. It was solved by outside forces, and the wound still remains for some mages.
Leaf clan members are more likely to solve legal and personal issues by a "person-first" mentality, where they will make exceptions and changes to the rules depending on the person that is being judged, instead of strictly following the laws to the letter. This can cause conflict with Light clan mages, who view laws as more strict and this changing as unfair; where Leaf clan members view their judgement as unfair and harsh as every person has a different viewpoint and reason for action.
Past Battles
There was a long lasted war from 217-234 that was between Leaf clan and Fire clan. The worst casualty was the loss of the great forest, which burned in a planned wildfire from the opposing Fire clan. Additionally, the Fire clan lead castle was turned to rubble by overgrown trees in revenge.
There is speculation the demi-magic between Leaf and Water being kindness, altrusim, and charity; however, this has not occurred.
Stance on the Edgelands
Leaf clan members hold a strong distaste for demons that overstep their boundries and destroy settlements; however they believe that it would also be an injustice to destroy the entire darklands on the basis of a few entities.