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The Rose Bronze Dragon

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The Rose Bronze Dragon

70 Clicks

100 Clicks

150 Clicks
10' Long; 3.5' High
330' LBS
Any Mountain Ranges
Bronze Dragon
Artist Version
General Information
Bronze dragons are naturally found in the lower mountain regions near the desert, and they often are valued for their shiny and precious scales. These scales can be melted down to form a sort of pseudo metal, that has been shown to have musical properties. Bronze dragons, although being mountain dwellers, still prefer to consume fish and crabs. In the wild though, they often consume trout and crayfish, and during the fall, they love to eat salmon. They were poached to near extinction in the Dwelf Century, though, and now are a protected species, so eggs may only be collected from the creche.
Egg Information

10 Clicks

20 Clicks

30 Clicks

40 Clicks

50 Clicks

60 Clicks

Baby Information

A small, shiny hatchling has emerged from your egg. It prefers to eat fish and crabs, but otherwise seems to be quite boring. It sometimes likes to sing.
Teen Information

Your hatchling has grown, and it now bears a quite large fin along the back of its spine. It sometimes ungulates this fin to allow it to fly, but it seems to not be so confident in its skills. It loves to glide over water and catch fish, though.
Adult Information

Your hatchling has finally reached adulthood, and it bears and amazing fin along its back. Although it does not swim often with it, it loves to dive into the water and catch fish and other sea creatures for food. It also loves to glide around by undulating its fin, and it often will sneak up on your other dragons and scare them, due to the fact that its wing structure allows it to fly silently. It also loves to sun itself on the brightest days, and often it will use its large tail fin to blind other creatures when it is doing such.