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The Plant Life

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The Plant Life

70 Clicks

100 Clicks

150 Clicks
7.5' Long; 3.5' High
265' LBS
Any Vegetation
Plant Life Spirit
General Information
Plant Life dragons are regarded as the spirits of a forest, and are said to have been created when the nature spirit had her turn to mold this world. It is told in many old legends that these dragons are reflections of her own likeness, and are only created when a forest lives to be old enough as she is. Once the forest reaches this age, in the tallest tree in that coppice, a lucky mage can find a nest of these eggs. One of these eggs, though, is always reported as being intangible to the curious mage, except when touched by a stick or branch. It is said that this egg will become a forest spirit, and if taken the whole forest will die, and will turn into desert. The lore behind the Falsan Sands seems to confirm this story, though no recent cases have been found as no new forests have been made.
Plant life dragons remain mysterious, despite the best efforts of dozens of mages and countless holly pygmies. They tend not to stay at the castle long after their abrupt transformation and, once gone, are unlikely to return. Whether those that never return died trying to halt the world's gradual decay, relocated somewhere beyond the mists, or went through yet another transformation will likely never be known. Those few that do return often carry odd butterflies perched on their antlers and call new plants into being as they walk around the castle grounds.
Egg Information

10 Clicks

20 Clicks

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40 Clicks

50 Clicks

60 Clicks

This egg is entwined in a small plant.
The plant coiled around the egg should be left alone, as removing it will kill the egg. While the shell will still be completely intact, the developing embryo will quickly die without the additional nutrients the plant provides. The egg should be kept warm, but partially uncovered, as the plant will need to receive light for the egg to hatch. The plant itself is capable of some motion, turning the egg so that a different portion receives sunlight or poking at an inquisitive finger.
Baby Information

You expected a dragon. You received a plant.
Despite there being eyes visible when the egg was about to hatch, the plant that hatches from the egg clearly has none. This should be the first sign that what has hatched is no ordinary plant. A hatchling plant life dragon should be kept under wire mesh when not being tended to, as it's still too young to defend itself. However, it's important to remember that, unlike corn and other plants, plant life hatchlings need companionship to develop normally. Otherwise, they will wilt and die even if given adequate water and sunshine. Plant life hatchlings especially love being read to and will perk up after a favorite story.
Teen Information

You expected a dragon. You received a plant. It's grown some. You still want your dragon.
By now, a plant life dragon will have developed a definite personality. It can twitch, sway in the absence of wind, slap away insects or curious plant-eaters, and wrap around its mage's wrist if lonely. A plant life's companion need not be human, especially if one possesses willing lifesprites, but should never be a corn plant. Plant life hatchlings have been known to try to uproot themselves to attack a corn plant, which never ends well for either of them. The only time they will tolerate corn is in the form of a corn cob. The motivation behind this hatred of corn is unclear.
Adult Information

Somehow, overnight, your \'plant\' has become a fully grown dragon. You didn't expect this to happen, honestly, but you are intrigued by the creature's strong ability to grow plants. Often, wherever it steps, you can see a small patch of moss or a vine spring up from the location and entwine around the creature's foot. You are also intrigued by the large mask that seems to be made of bone, that also adorns the creature's face. No matter how much prying or coaxing, you cannot seem to remove it, leading you to think that it may be magically bound to it's face. When you check your books and references for any sort of hint to the magic that this creature uses, nothing comes up about it. You get the strange feeling this dragon is not what it seems.
The transformation from plant to dragon seems to happen in an instant, as nobody has ever seen their plant life dragon in any sort of intermediate stage between the two, but has never been witnessed by any mage. A grown plant life dragon is exceptionally tolerant, allowing a mage to manipulate its mask without trying to remove fingers, but will never be as affectionate as it was as a hatchling. Some mages find themselves unexpectedly missing the plant stage, as reading a fairy tale to a clearly long-suffering grown plant life dragon just isn't the same.

Extra Info Provided by Mathcat