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The Singularity

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The Singularity

70 Clicks

100 Clicks

150 Clicks

12.5' Long; 5.5' High
345' LBS
Any Large Prey
Dark Mountain Peaks
Fire and Dark
Very Common
General Information
The singularity is a dragon, although it closely resembles a drake, and as such is known as it being a missing link between drakes and dragons. Females often have larger and more magnificent armor shows on their spines instead of males, and tend to be much more agressive than males, often a female will have a pack of lesser males that all try for her affection, though she will only keep one alpha male as her companion. Many colors have been seen though in the wild no one has properly encountered a flamed singularity.
Egg Information

10 Clicks

20 Clicks

30 Clicks

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50 Clicks

60 Clicks

This egg perfectly depicts the night sky.
Baby Information

This hatchling is large compared to most of your other hatchlings, and is quite feisty. It seems to perfectly depict a night sky on its skin, and loves to bash things with its bone skull plating.
Teen Information

This hatchling is large compared to most of your other hatchlings, and is quite feisty. It seems to perfectly depict a night sky on its skin, and loves to bash things with its bone skull plating. The skull plate has become a large pair of horns and it brandishes large spikes along its spine.
Adult Information

Adult singularity dragons are known as one of the most aggressive dragons in the viel, and often have large bone plating running along their back. You have noticed that the females of the species often have wings and are much more willing to take down prey and challenge for their territory than the males, and are fond of making them wait until she has finished eating before letting others approach her.