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The Newleaf

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The Newleaf

70 Clicks

100 Clicks

150 Clicks
5' Long; 2.5' High
20' LBS
Insects, Fruit
Forest, Grasslands
Nature and Time
Leaf Midge
General Information
Newleaves are one of the most energetic and easily the most inteligent of the leaf midge family, although they lack strength to fight off any bugs from mistaking them for a meal or to defend their territory. This presents a problem, as many newleaves will often find themselves in these situations due to their advanced curiosity. Newleaves prefer to stay in small groups for this reason and it is not uncommon to see multiple ones working together to pick a piece of fruit.
Egg Information

10 Clicks

20 Clicks

30 Clicks

40 Clicks

50 Clicks

60 Clicks

This egg is buried in a patch of small grass and flowers.
Baby Information

This cute little hatchling perfectly embodies the mixture of flowers and fresh grass outside. Although quite soft and fragile, it is very energetic and curious.
Teen Information

This cute little hatchling perfectly embodies the mixture of flowers and fresh grass outside. Although quite soft and fragile, it is very energetic and curious. It's grown quite fast now, and although it is fast it can easily be knocked over by a small breeze. You often find yourself trying to keep it away from doing dangerous things.
Adult Information

Your hatchling has grown now and it seems to have not lost any of its energy or curiosity. You often have to lead it away from other dragons who have no intent to share their meal, and you have more than once received the burn this tiny dragon was going to earn. Due to this, you encourage it to stay in a group with other small dragons and have tended to keep it far away from any other species who may see this tiny creature as an annoyance over a curious companion.