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The Leafsprite

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The Leafsprite

70 Clicks

100 Clicks

150 Clicks
2.5' Long; 1.5' High
15' LBS
Sprite Midge
Very Common
General Information
Sprite midges are said to each embody an elemental power, and often a mage will collect the respective sprite that their magic mirrors. Sprite midges are creative and will often find unique ways to use their magic, so mages who keep these dragons are often at an advantage from studying and observing the strange solutions these tiny creatures find. A mage without a sprite midge is often either a master or a beginner, as many teachers will even require a sprite midge for class.
While there are eight clans, there are (unless Aszerath is hiding something) only seven types of elemental sprite midges. Dark Clan members will, if they take on a sprite midge at all, either adopt one from their previous clan or try to get by with a firesprite, which at least looks vaguely dark-oriented.
Egg Information

10 Clicks

20 Clicks

30 Clicks

40 Clicks

50 Clicks

60 Clicks

This green egg is quite small compared to the others.
Sprite midge eggs are quite sturdy, though their small size would suggest otherwise. While they benefit from a well-cushioned nest, they will not shatter if scowled at.
Baby Information

This tiny, green hatchling is able to grow plants quite easily. It sometimes uses this power to grow its own food.
Leafsprites can grow their own food, but often prefer a few bites of whatever their mage is eating. Very bold ones will steal food right off a fork. They can digest just about anything that a human can, even if their preferred diet is insects, but a mage should still make sure that their leafsprite is getting a balanced diet. Too many bites of chocolate cake will lead to a lethargic leafsprite.
Teen Information

This tiny, green hatchling is able to grow plants quite easily. It sometimes uses this power to grow its own food. Its grown a frill now and it often will use its power to now share food and feed your other creatures. Your plant-based dragons enjoy its company.
Leafsprites like to give their mages food, but don't always have a sense of their mage's likes or dislikes, or even of what humans can safely eat. Learning sleight of hand is a must to avoid poisoning or hurt feelings. Leafsprites are not particularly malicious, though some have a regrettable fondness for practical jokes, and will be disappointed if they see their thoughtful gift consigned to the trash.
Adult Information

Your hatchling has grown and its prowess over vegetation is an incredible benefit for your plant based creatures. They often will accompany your midge on its duties, and will try to get it to use its magic on them instead of the plants it should. It doesn't seem to mind though, and if they do bother it, it just flitters away with its leafy wings.
Some leafsprites help plant-based creatures out of altruism or in return for small favors. Others help because they find watching mages run from colossal lettuce or radish drakes to be endlessly amusing. Leafsprites are avid gardeners and will recruit creatures they have helped to defend the garden from thieves. Occasionally, they get so invested in keeping the garden safe that they forget that the mage who planted the garden deserves some of the vegetables.

Extra Info Provided by Mathcat