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The Sharescale

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The Sharescale

70 Clicks

100 Clicks

150 Clicks
3.5' Long; 1.5' High
30' LBS
Fruit, Nuts
General Information
Sharescales are so called because of their strange habits. These dragons will often spend days looking for odd trinkets such as snail shells or feathers, and will obtain a full collection of these items, just to give it away to any creature that walks by or investigates. These dragons are known to get frustrated when a gift is turned down, and begin to come up with creative solutions to figure out how to gift the item to the recipient. It is not unheard of for these dragons to spend months trying to give a gift, until the gift is eventually lost or broken.
Egg Information

10 Clicks

20 Clicks

30 Clicks

40 Clicks

50 Clicks

60 Clicks

This bright pink egg is quite small compared to the others.
Baby Information

This tiny, bright pink hatchling loves to give you items. Its bright color seems to be a warning to other dragons that it is toxic, as other hatchlings refuse to touch it.
Teen Information

This tiny, bright pink hatchling loves to give you items. Its bright color seems to be a warning to other dragons that it is toxic, as other hatchlings refuse to touch it. It's grown now and it also sports a pair of brightly colored wings. It is not uncommon for it to fly off and return with strange objects, and although it does give them away, it has a small collection of odd items.
Adult Information

Your hatchling has grown now, and although it possesses a strong coloration warning other creatures of its toxicity, it does not seem aggressive in the slightest, and seems to enjoy badgering your other dragons to take items it has collected. You have to be careful handling it, though, as unlike your dragons, you do not have a thick layer of scales to protect yourself from the sickening poison residue that it produces.