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The Silvergold Dragon

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The Silvergold Dragon

70 Clicks

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150 Clicks
15' Long; 6' High
575' LBS
Rocks, Any Meat
All Mountain Regions
Gold Dragon
Artist Version
General Information
Gold dragons are one of the more primal species of dragon, relying on sheer brute instead of magic and intellect. They do not seem to have any magic properties at all and can be easily confused by most spells and tricks, making them an easy creature to train, if a mage does not get blinded by their scales. The reflective nature of these scales is one thing that these dragons do know, and they often use it to their advantage in any situation possible. Due to this, their hide is incredibly valuable as armor for war.
On the subject of intellect, it is not known why gold dragons are so dull compared to their shining scales. These dragons have been known to chase light orbs and other common phenomenon without even questioning the glowing hands of the mages nearby, and seem to not care that this handicap is distracting them from said mages stealing their hoard of shed scales. Their species still survives, despite the intelligence of the impending doom.
Egg Information

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This egg shines with a beautiful gold hue.
Gold eggs are covered in flecks and old, discarded scales from their parents. These scales attach themselves to the egg early on in its life, when it is incredibly soft and at risk for breaking. If an egg does not receive these scrap scales, it is not uncommon to see it have rocks or branches attached to the outer shell, though often many of these eggs do not make it.
Baby Information

This small hatchling is incredibly brave and often uses the large, shiny frills on its tail to trip and confuse your other hatchlings. It also seems to enjoy using its glittering hide to blind others.
Gold dragon hatchlings, a few hours after emerging from their egg, are incredibly quick to pick up on how strong and shiny their scales are. Once they realize this, these hatchlings are known to chase after timbers and try to blind an annoy them. Their targets usually cave in to this attacking due to the fact that if one was to try and nip at the hatchling or claw it, it would be the one receiving the damage.
Teen Information

This small hatchling is incredibly brave and often uses the large, shiny frills on its tail to trip and confuse your other hatchlings. It also seems to enjoy using its glittering hide to blind others. It has now grown stronger, and, although it can fly, it seems to enjoy climbing up trees or rearing itself up and using its wings to blind other creatures, often without any provoking.
Gold dragon teens are one of the hardest hatchling to keep track off, often if they are pressured into doing something or listening to their mage, they will ignore the command and attempt to blind the person giving them orders. Due to this, these hatchlings are often allowed to do whatever they feel they can do, leading to them becoming spoiled and arrogant in their adulthood.
Adult Information

Your hatchling has grown now, and it loves to glide with the aide of the large frills along its tail. It is incredibly beautiful and shines in the light, and often uses this towards its advantage when it is hunting or being followed, often turning towards the prey to where the sun catches on its scales and blinds the attacker. It does not seem to use magic to aide it though, and it seems incredibly wild compared to many of your other dragons.
An adult gold dragon is one of the most valuable dragons for war or battle related activities, due to the fact that their golden hide is stronger than any metal currently known by mages, and its reflective abilities make these dragons a hard target to go after. These dragons large size also allows for them to be a formidable foe, but recently they have a different use in war. Many mages are now urged to donate their excess scales from these dragons to their local blacksmith to build armor and weapons to stockpile in case of an attack from the shade.

Extra Info Provided by Unknown