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The Hiakiar

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The Hiakiar

70 Clicks

100 Clicks

150 Clicks
4' Long; 2.5' High
45' LBS
Small Mammals
High Mount
General Information
Hiakiar are one of the more unusual species of the veil, not due to their strange powers, but due to the large amount of tails they possess. Unlike other species in their class, these creatures can have from three to seven tails in total, and it seems to not be correlated to their genetics. Even though this is a strange trait in itself, these creatures do have a more minor one- the ability to turn invisible. It is not known where these creatures have obtained this ability, but it is on a level of that of the most skilled mages, and makes them both excellent pranksters and excellent spies. From time to time, it is not uncommon to pass through a village and hear of strange tales of brooms and mops floating out of houses and then dropping down the moment they are told to stop.
Though hiakiar make excellent spies, they mainly act in their own interests and are hard to train. The best way to train one is to figure out what it likes to do and then reward it for doing that. Praise and food both make good motivators. If one wants a more reliable magic-using companion, sprite midges, arcane dragons, and even pyro raptoria make better choices. Hiakiar tend to be popular among those mages who want to appear to have control over unseen forces, as people in distant villages still sometimes seem to be impressed by someone who can stop random acts of telekinesis with a word.
Egg Information

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This orange egg seems to phase in and out at random times.
Though hiakiar are becoming a more common sight near the castle, people on a futile search for something are still sometimes said to be hunting hiakiar eggs. "Rare as hiakiar eggs" is finally falling out of common use, though, to be replaced by "rarer than reples eggs." Hiakiar eggs are almost disappointingly mundane, looking very like carrot drake eggs except for being paler and not smelling strongly of carrots. Easy to care for, hiakiar eggs require little more than a safe place to incubate. They have a tendency to phase out unexpectedly, but as invisible does not mean insubstantial, they're easy to find again.
Baby Information

This small hatchling seems to be a different animal than most of the other creatures you've seen. It is able to turn invisible at moments, although it is still faintly visible when it attempts this ability. You aren't able to keep track of it often, but it doesn't seem to cause too much trouble.
Very young hiakiar often forget about their tails, making them easy to spot. It's best to humor them and pretend they're completely invisible, though, as a sulking hiakiar is a menace to shoes, papers, and whatever else it can find to chew on. The visible tails also make frequent targets for other hatchlings, leading to frequent scuffles. A moody hatchling can usually be cheered up with praise, but failing that, a bite or two of steak usually works just as well.
Teen Information

This small hatchling seems to be a different animal than most of the other creatures you've seen. It is able to turn invisible at moments, although it is still faintly visible when it attempts this ability. You aren't able to keep track of it often, but it doesn't seem to cause too much trouble. Its grown now, and so has its appetite for being mischievous. It is fond of 'floating' objects around by turning invisible, and will occasionally use this ability to scare your other hatchlings away from the food bowl. It doesn't seem to mess with you, thankfully because you're aware its the cause.
Young hiakiar don't usually play pranks on their mage, as they know who keeps the food bowl full. They do never seem to realize how much of a tripping hazard they pose when invisible, though. Mages with hiakiar hatchlings soon get in the habit of listening for the click of tiny claws on hardwood floors. Some teenage hiakiar become bullies, spending all of their time invisible near the food bowl to scare off anyone who comes near. The best way to combat this is to borrow a hatchling of a breed not inclined to put up with that sort of nonsense. Arcane dragons, pyro raptoria, and ravne are all excellent choices for this, despite the risk of any of these teaming up with the hiakiar to create further mischief.
Adult Information

Your hatchling has grown now and its is at mastery level for its ability. You rarely see it, unless it is begging for food. Its mischievous behavior is fun to watch as long as it is not targeting you, and it seems to especially enjoy bothering your more powerful creatures to show off. It sometimes humbles itself though, and will attempt to entertain the hatchlings by bringing to life their toys.
Hiakiar and arcane dragons, especially when raised together, will often form (mostly-)friendly rivalries when grown over who can most convincingly bring toys to life. They will often try to sabotage each other's efforts, which is highly amusing to watch. Pyro raptoria also like to play with hiakiar-animated toys, but often seem to "forget" the toys have a hiakiar attached. Hiakiar like to find powerful and dangerous creatures to annoy with their pranks, which could be one reason why the species remains rare.

Extra Info Provided by Mathcat