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The Amethyst Gembeast

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The Amethyst Gembeast

70 Clicks

100 Clicks

150 Clicks
13' Long; 4' High
350' LBS
Crystalline Caverns
Stone, Dark
General Information
Recently the discovered remains of extinct monsters once slain by the Seven were found deep within the West-North caves, and over time, with the influence of the darkness and crystals around them, they were reanimated. Certain gems embedded themselves into the bodies and resurrected these dangerous beasts, their life source eternally contained in the minerals they bonded with. These creatures are now being discovered in different parts of the lands, with each specific mineral affecting their power, location, and ferocity.
Egg Information

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60 Clicks

This egg is encrusted with light purple gems.
Baby Information

The egg cracks forcefully open, and a small hatching stumbles out of the egg. Its back is covered in violet gems, and the bulge on its tail seems to be covered in them as well. Looks like the hatchling is having trouble lifting it sometimes.
Teen Information

The egg cracks forcefully open, and a small hatching stumbles out of the egg. Its back is covered in violet gems, and the bulge on its tail seems to be covered in them as well. Looks like the hatchling is having trouble lifting it sometimes.It has now grown, and the gems on its back have grown jagged and sharp. It can now lift its tail easier, and from the looks of it, loves to swing it around some. You try to avoid being near it at this time for fear you may get hurt.
Adult Information

With rough, hard gems covering its back and tail, Amethyst Gembeasts are a rare form of defensive Gembeast. The large shell of gems along the back of these creatures makes them nearly impossible to slay, unless a large enough push can knock them onto their back and expose their belly. The club-like gemstone on the end of its tail is its only form of offense, and is capable of shattering granite in one hit. Thankfully, Amethyst Gembeasts are a passive breed and will not attack unless provoked. These beasts are usually found in the great pine forests, happily munching on the underbrush.