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The Shock Demon

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The Shock Demon

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.5' Long; .5' High
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Small Demon
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General Information
Small demons are strangely allowed to be kept by mages if found, despite their dubious origins, and much scarier older family. These tiny demons are harmless, though, depending on what they are made of. There have been reports of multiple elemental types being found, and some of these elements seem to lack any sort of connection to our own magic. As such, if found, these mysterious sprites make great study material for a thesis.
Many mages have tried to research the various types of small demon, but all have been hampered by the tendency of even the mellowest to cause mischief. Though not overtly harmful, small demons are inherently aggravating, overturning inkwells, turning notes into confetti, and turning irreplaceable books into elaborate origami sculptures.
Adult Information

Shock demons are a feisty brand of small demon, prone to being full of energy. These mischievous demons are known to quickly travel throughout the veil, much like a lightning bolt can- although at a somewhat reduced speed. Mages who keep these demons are often challenged to keep up with the endless energy they possess.
Shock demons are best left to the extremely energetic or perpetually overcaffeinated. Some mages have tried to harness all that extra energy by building a clear maze for their demon to run through, so that the light they produce can be used to light a room, but a shock demon's low boredom threshold means that nothing can hold them for long. <br> (Extra Information by Mathcat)

Extra Info Provided by Mathcat