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The Drac O Wisp

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The Drac O Wisp

70 Clicks

100 Clicks

150 Clicks
7' Long; 3' High
5' LBS
Dark Forest
Will O Wisp
Very Rare
General Information
Will o\' wisps are some of the strangest and most unexplained creatures in the veil, often credited to being simply swamp gas and spontaneous combustion in the old world. They are often found in the hallowed woods in the new world, though, and definitely of some sort of being. They are rarely seen, though, and usually only lead someone through the forest and out of danger if they are lost. It is said that if you see one out of your window, the first step towards your fate will begin that day, though it is impossible to prove if this is true. They are commonly seen in groups of four, though the most famous group was a group of three.
Egg Information

10 Clicks

20 Clicks

30 Clicks

40 Clicks

50 Clicks

60 Clicks

This egg is quite ethereal.
Baby Information

It is definitely not a wisp. It looks more like a dragon than anything. Whatever it is, though, it is quite adorable. You just want to hug it, but alas, it seems to just phase through your arms.
Teen Information

It is definitely not a wisp. It looks more like a dragon than anything. Whatever it is, though, it is quite adorable. You just want to hug it, but alas, it seems to just phase through your arms. Its grown a pair of arms now. It has also gotten even more adorable, and you thought that could not be possible. You just want to drown yourself in piles of them, its so cute.
Adult Information

Your hatchling has grown now, and the full spectrum of it cute has toned down a bit. It looks like a dragon, though it seems more like a wisp that has stolen the form of a dragon. It could possibly be some sort of magical hybrid of a dragon soul and a wisp, or the result of combining many wisps together in an attempt to change fate. For now, you are content to watching this mysterious beast try to deal with the occasional return to physical form and running into objects.