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The Orkothlian Construct

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The Orkothlian Construct

70 Clicks

100 Clicks

150 Clicks
12' Long; 5' High
0.2' LBS
Raw Materials
Orkothlian Construct
Very Rare
General Information
Orkothlian Constructs have an unusual and powerful magic- they are able to transfer themselves into shadow dimensions in order to traverse our world. For centuries, many mages have attempted to recreate this magic for their own ill will, espionage, and crime, but the secret has been well kept- and many who have attempted the feat have not returned. It's uncertain who originally created these creatures, but their powerful alignment and skill points towards Aszerath as their original source. No one seems to spot these lurching out of the tower, though, so it cannot be confirmed.
Egg Information

10 Clicks

20 Clicks

30 Clicks

40 Clicks

50 Clicks

60 Clicks

This egg is covered in pitch.
Baby Information

This small hatchling comes and goes, not as in it leaves- it can barely walk. Instead, it seems to be able to meld itself with the shadows that dance upon your walls, and reappear as needed to feed. It will eat nearly anything it can get its mouth around.
Teen Information

This small hatchling comes and goes, not as in it leaves- it can barely walk. Instead, it seems to be able to meld itself with the shadows that dance upon your walls, and reappear as needed to feed. It will eat nearly anything it can get its mouth around. It has grown now, and seems to still be quite the interesting beast. You\'ve noticed that the larger it gets, the hotter the area around where it initially transformed into gets as well.
Adult Information

Your hatchling has grown now, and you can hardly contain it to one place. You\'ve noticed that it\'s unique transformation ability allows for it to not only escape any possible container or cage you place it in, but also allow for it to enter and steal any information it feels like. You\'ve attempted to use it to transfer messages, as well as pass along spell scrolls in secret, but sadly it seems to only be able to transform its own mass.