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Forest of Mirror's Newsfeed

Update Posted by Ezriaphiel on 04-22-2022 19:04:34

A new area has been added to the explore pages- the Eastern Infinity Pillar. This area is a rotating event that last three days and triggers approximately once every two weeks, but in turn can be explored infinitely while it is open. Gather resources, battle stones, and special creatures from the Edgelands while under the protection of the pillar... but beware, some new enemies may lurk in the battlegrounds.
Update Posted by Iaophiel on 03-21-2022 20:13:18
Hi all!
A casual reminder that we're not dead, just super busy with life stuff. Q and I are actually getting married! Poggers!
Anyway, we've been through and fixed a load of bugs this week, including the elusive account bug, that wasn't letting new users play, and causing a load of issues. All accounts should be work fine now.
As always, let us know on the forum if you encounter any new issues.
Update Posted by Ezriaphiel on 10-24-2021 00:01:15
The Thirteenth Year 2021!

You can now use your Mixed Candy in the event shop! The store will remain open until the 7th, and after that the store and your Mixed Candy will disappear- so spend them while you can!
Update Posted by Ezriaphiel on 10-17-2021 11:49:22
The Thirteenth Year 2021!

You can now Trick or Treat from other user's profiles every 5 minutes to earn Mixed Candy! This item is in your inventory's special tab. You can also earn this currency through battling the Thirteenth Year demons, found in any zone!
Mixed Candy is used in the event shop, that will open on the 24th. You can also find new creatures in the Creche! These species will be available for the duration of the event and more may join later.
Finally, the event ends on the 1st of November. The store will remain open until the 7th, but after that the store and your Mixed Candy will disappear- so spend them while you can!
Update Posted by Ezriaphiel on 10-12-2021 20:55:05
Pre-Thirteenth Year Updates!
- Baenalkin and Blind Wyrms have recieved art updates.
- You can now regenerate art for potioned creatures if their species art has been updated or it is broken.
- Some icons on the explore page during certain weather events have been adjusted.
- A new alchemy recipe has been added.
- A new companion can be found in boxes.
- Preparations for the Thirteenth Year have been finalized.
Update Posted by Iaophiel on 10-12-2021 16:36:25
Hey all, there will be around 30 minutes of downtime today at 8pm EST. This is so we can roll out the October events! For the duration, you'll see a Cloudflare "Access Denied" message. Thanks!
Update Posted by Iaophiel on 10-09-2021 07:59:30
Hello everyone! We're still looking for active artists, so please don't be shy and fill out the form posted in the last news update if you're interested in working with us!

We've also been hard at work on some Halloween themed content & event for you to enjoy, which should be releasing soon.

Thanks all!
Update Posted by Iaophiel on 06-03-2021 21:21:22

Hey guys,

In the interest of getting the site updated more regularly, we're looking to work with a few new pixel sprite artists to help with creature creation on the site.

If that sounds like something you'd like, please fill out the form and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Thanks guys!
Changelog Posted by Ezriaphiel on 03-17-2021 17:07:30
Additional species have received extra lore, curtesy of Mathcat(#16)! Species with extra information to read now have a book icon.
Changelog Posted by Ezriaphiel on 03-17-2021 15:09:10
To help make things easier on players with larger holds, growing creatures now gain between 10 to 20 clicks every night.