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Hey there

Posted 05-01-2021 19:35:45
I discovered this site from elsewhere and decided to make an account here, even though it appears to be really quiet. I can't shake the feeling that I've been here before, but it's been years so I would have forgotten the old info anyway, revamp or not.

Edit: Seems I was able to remember my old info so I was here before, but the point stands about it being a while.
This post has been edited 1 times. Last edited on 05-07-2021 21:16:03.
If you need clicks for a quest, I have a growing number of creatures here. You can also play with my creatures' companions as well. That is, if they're not on cooldown.
Posted 05-08-2021 17:21:17
Hi Foxy..yeah, it is pretty quiet right now but some of us like myself are here every day.
