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Inkwell versus Inkwell Dragon

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Inkwell versus Inkwell Dragon

Posted 12-07-2021 17:00:30
Exactly WHAT is the difference between them. For the Inkwell it is said that the Inkwell is achieved via breeding except that the Inkwell Dragon can only be obtained through Alchemy and thus can't breed with anything.

The only thing I can surmise is that either there is a typo in the Encyclopedia or the Inkwell is simply a different species altogether.
Posted 12-08-2021 04:30:35
I'm guessing that the inkwell themselves were able to breed at some point, but not anymore. Either way, I don't think the one obtained from breeding is even available to obtain anymore.
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Posted 12-08-2021 08:57:59
Oh..I see. Thank You :)
Posted 12-09-2021 00:00:48
The inkwell is the artist's alt of the inkwell dragon, which is why it can breed despite the inkwell dragon being unbreedable. Since the artist that made both is inactive, the inkwell is currently unavailable.
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