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"Available For Breeding" Icon

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"Available For Breeding" Icon

Posted 06-18-2022 21:09:34
Would it be possible to add some sort of icon to the Hold page that indicates if a creature is available for breeding? You can find this out by clicking on the creature page, but that's a pain for, say, tabs dedicated to a breeding project, where the one unbred quasar, for example, could be any of the 100+ on the page. I have no idea what this icon would look like. A heart, perhaps?
Need site currency? Playing with my hundreds of companions here can earn you a decent amount of both blue stones and reactor stones. Companions may be played with once per hour (total, not per user). If nothing shows up, check back later.

Still on AO3 here - Forest of Mirrors, Dragon Cave, MagiStream, Jelle's Marble Runs, and original fiction.
