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Starting over..

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Starting over..

Posted 08-26-2019 19:11:52
So now I am basically starting over, losing a good portion of stones and reactor stones plus paying a hefty fee to salvage a few dragons with what little blue stones I have PLUS I no longer have access to the other areas anymore. That's least I can send my dragons on scours to get supplies so I can do a quest or two.

Actually..starting over isn't too bad..liking it here already though.
Posted 08-27-2019 10:18:25

I've credited your account with some extra blue stones. It seems a lot of people didn't get how to sync their dragon across from the Alpha build of the FoM. Hope this makes it easier for you to get going again!
Find a server related bug / issue? DM or email me at [email protected] about it please!

Posted 08-27-2019 10:25:04

Wow..thank you. That was really generous of you.
While I did manage to retrieve a few dragons I need to get more before the old site gets obliterated so I can do more scouring.
Again..thank you for your generosity. I truly appreciate it.
Posted 08-27-2019 17:36:04
Eh, I'm kinda glad I get to start over. Only a few dragons are gonna be moved from the old site to this one. I kinda acumilated a hoard I did not want nor need and had a bit of an issue getting rid of.
Posted 02-20-2020 16:04:32
I actually haven't enjoyed the change to the new site... I miss all my creatures that I spent so much time growing, naming and leveling up. I put a lot of effort into my account and now its all gone albeit a handful of creatures and stones. It makes me sad. I'm sure this new version will be wonderful for many players and new players in future, but I just don't feel enthusiastic about coming here to start over anymore. I won't be active anymore, but thankyou for the previous years I had on the original site. It was my happy place for a long time and I'm grateful :)
Posted 02-25-2020 20:24:27
In some ways I like the new site but on the other hand I did not anticipate that this site was going to be dropped like it had been.
The same old issues persist and there has not been any new updates, fixes or new dragons...nothing.
Makes me wonder why the old site was moved if it was just going to be abandoned anyways.

I kinda resent that we lost such a tremendous portion of our blue and reactor stones and had to pick and choose what to migrate.

Don't misunderstand, I like the new site and the new features but problems galore still persist like the Care Taker Hub or the inability to breed if one is using Firefox or Firefox-like browsers and the overall lag on this site.

It's like the site was restored just to placate us while we are left uninformed of the progress of other sites being worked on or what fate lies in store for this place.

That said I still like coming here and doing the daily rewards, Veridans Stall and other stuff...
This post has been edited 1 times. Last edited on 02-25-2020 20:25:29.
