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do stats rlly matter?*

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do stats rlly matter?*

Posted 02-19-2024 07:29:07
* in breeding.

i’m currently breeding some fae dragons for speed and defense. i’ve noticed that a lot of the stats for the offspring don’t match up (i.e. stronger in atk than spd or def, sometimes having a single digit spd or def when i know damn well the parents are >20 in both spd and def)

so does breeding not take into account the stats of the parents? when we breed, is it just like if we grabbed an egg from the creche?
Posted 02-19-2024 12:45:21
So far I have not seen this happen though I might be wrong.
I was hoping for the same thing but so far nothing is forthcoming.
Posted 02-21-2024 14:24:52
Stats appear to be random, like moods, even with bred creatures.
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