Posted 06-18-2022 22:25:49
If you don't get all of the pillardrakes/pillarcorns you want this time around, the event repeats every 2-3 weeks or so. I'm assuming that you, like me, are getting most of your eggs through Edge Tickets, but if not, Edge Tickets beat pillar clicks as an egg source.
These two are my favorites so far, I think:

. Ibeco's first in line for a shiny potion once I start working on shiny steeds.
It's slightly embarrassing that a good chunk of the on-site bios are just the silly explanatory note I put on the first batch of shiny creatures I sold. I'm probably going to give a few more of mine actual descriptions to counteract that.
Need site currency? Playing with my hundreds of companions
here can earn you a decent amount of both blue stones and reactor stones. Companions may be played with once per hour (total, not per user). If nothing shows up, check back later.
Still on AO3
here - Forest of Mirrors, Dragon Cave, MagiStream, Jelle's Marble Runs, and original fiction.